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Stormie Omartian
P Douglas Small
Germaine Copeland
Jennifer Kennedy Dean
Mark Batterson
Tony Evans
Max Lucado
Elmer L Towns
BroadStreet Publishing
Dutch Sheets
Hope Lyda
Joanna Teigen
Lloyd Hildebrand
Rob Teigen
Barbour Publishing Staff
Bruce Wilkinson
David Adam
David Butts
Douglas Mckelvey
James Banks
Nick Fawcett
Rachel Jones
Daniel Henderson
Derek Prince
Jack Countryman
Jodie Berndt
Linda Evans Shepherd
Ned Bustard (Illus)
Beni Johnson
C. Peter Wagner
Cheri Fuller
Harvest House Publishers
Herbert Brokering
Lee Roberts
Rueben P Job
Walter Brueggemann
Alice Smith
Arthur Boers
Beth Moore
Bob Sorge
Carolyn Larsen
Charles F Stanley
Cindy Jacobs
Cindy Trimm
Cynthia Bezek
Dave Earley
Dick Eastman
Emily Biggers
Heather Hair
Hillary Morgan Ferrer
John MacArthur
Kim Butts
Mahesh Chavda
Mark Virkler
Mary Lou Redding
Michael Counsell
Pete Greig
Priscilla Shirer
Rick Stedman
Steve Chapman
Adam Hamilton
Alex Kendrick
Andrea Lucado
Ann Shields
Ann Spangler
Anne Graham Lotz
Anne Lamott
Audrey Roloff
Barbara Duguid
Barbara Nelson Gingerich
Barry C Black
Bill Bright
Bob Hostetler
C. Wagner
Calvin Miller
Carey Scott
Charles Capps
Christian Art
Cindy Engoy
Craig Groeschel
Dan R Crawford
Dan Wilt
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David Kopp
Derek Prime
Donald K Mckim
Donna Schaper
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Eddie Smith
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Elizabeth Felicetti
Erwin W. Lutzer
Fern Nichols
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Gail Ramshaw
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Graham Booth
Heather Kopp
Herbert Lockyer
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J. David Muyskens
Jack Hayford
James P Moore (Jr)
James W. Goll
Jan Johnson
Janet Holm McHenry
Jim Cotter
Jim Cymbala
Jim Maxim
Joel Osteen
Joel Schmidgall
John Dominic Crossan
John Eldredge
John Elliston
John Pritchard
Jonathan Graf
Jonathan Morris
Joni Eareckson Tada
Josh Teigen
Joy Dawson
Joyce Meyer
Joyce Rupp
Julie Loos
Ken Wilson
Kenneth E. Hagin
Kevin DeYoung
Kimberly Daniels
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Kynan Bridges
Lalla Lee Campsen
Larry Dossey
Leonard Allen
Malcolm Boyd
Mark I. Bubeck
Megan Provance
Melissa B Kruger
Michael Fulljames
Michael Harper
Michael Mayne
Mike Bickle
Nick Harrison
Nina Schmidgall
Paul E. Miller
Paul Tautges
Penny Warren
Philip F Reinders
Philip Graham Ryken
Phyllis Tickle
Randy Sprinkle
Ray Simpson
Richard Foster
Robert Elmer
Robert Henderson
Ronnie Floyd
Rosalind Rinker
Ryan Whitaker Smith
Simon Reed
Smith Wigglesworth
Sophie Piper
Stephen Cherry
Stephen Kendrick
Stuart Robinson
Sue Curran
Susan Hunt
Suzanne Eller
Suzanne Guthrie
Terry Glaspey
The Great Commandment Network
Thomas H Green
Tiece L. King
Tim Chester
Timothy Keller
Tom Harpur
Tony Wood
Traci Smith
Valorie Quesenberry
Vinita Hampton Wright
Watchman Nee
Will Davis
William A. Barry
William Philip
A. J. Sherrill
Aaron Burns
Adam Weber
Addison D. Bevere
Adrian C. Smith
Adriel Sanchez
Alan Paton
Alex Mcfarland
Alexander Ryrie
Alison Mearns Benders
Alistair Begg
Allan Hugh Cole
Allan W Schreiber
Allyson S. Vertigan
Alvin Vandergriend
Amelia Rhodes
Amy Boucher Pye
Andrew D. Mayes
Andrew E Steinmann
Andrew F. Carter
Andrew Phillips
Andrew Wommack
Andy Rider
Angela Ashwin
Anita Higman
Ann Ulanov
Anne Long
Anne Wilson (Illus)
Annie Chapman
Anthony Destefano
Archimandrite Sophrony
Arianne Braithwaite Lehn
Arnold R. Fleagle
Arthur Howells
Arthur Wallis
Audrey Elledge
Avery Brooke
B John Coburn
Barbara Cawthorne Crafton
Barbara Milla
Barbara Wentroble
Barry Chant
Barry Ulanov
Basil Pennington
Ben Campbell Johnson
Ben Locke
Benjamin Wayman
Bernard Dullier
Bert Ghezzi
Beverley Marrett
Beverly Hummel Ohler
Beverly Pegues
Bill Bright (Fwd)
Bill Crowder
Bill D. Thrasher
Bill Elliff
Bill Huebsch (Ed)
Bill Thrasher
Bob Kelly
Bob Sjogren
Bonnie Chavda
Bonnie Thurston
Brad Jensen
Bradley Rosalind
Brant Baker
Brenda Poinsett
Brennan Manning
Brent P Mcdougal
Brian A Russell
Brian C. Taylor
Brian Croft
Brian G Najapfour (Ed)
Brian Heasley
Brian Nelson
Brian Simmons
Brian Simmons (Fwd)
Brian Smith
Bruce Hills
Bryan Chapell
Bunmi Laditan
Byron Paulus
C. W. McPherson
Caleb Grant
Candice Simmons
Candy L. Marballi
Canon Scott Gunn
Cara Gilger (Ed)
Carmen Caltagrione
Carol J Adams
Carol Madison
Carolyn Carney
Carolyn Nystrom
Carrie Marrs
Carter Conlon
Carter Rose (Photographer)
Catherine Bird
Catherine Mackenzie
Catherine McNiel
Catherine Meeks
Catherine Ponder
Cathy Maxim
Chad Veach
Charles F. Stanley
Charles Ringma
Charles Wesley
Charlie Dawes
Charlie T Jones
Chelsea Brooke Yarborough
Chelsea Stanley
Cherie Hill
Cheryl Sacks
Chestina M Archibald
Chine McDonald
Chip Ingram
Chris Band
Chris Folmsbee
Chris Hodges
Chris Sheehan
Christine Paintner Valters
Christopher Howse
Christopher L. Webber
Chrystal Evans Hurst
Chuck D Pierce
Chuck Smith
Chuck Strohm
Claire Cloninger
Claire Daniel
Cleddie Keith
Clifford Atkinson
Corey Russell
Cornelius Plantinga
Courtney Daniel Dabney
Cristina Baker
Cynthia Bourgeault
D. A. Carson
D. J. Marotta
Dallas Willard
Dan R Crawford (Ed)
Daniel Bourguet
Daniel Dean Henderson
Daniel Duval
Daniel Nehrbass
Daniel P. Horan Horan
Daniel Wolpert
Danielle Buhuro
Danielle Shroyer
Dave Roberts
David Augsburger
David Chotka
David Cole (Ed)
David D Ireland
David Durston
David Earley
David Finnegan-Hosey
David Foster
David G. Benner
David G. R. Keller
David Gatward
David Grubb
David Jeremiah
David Keller
David Komolafe
David Kubal
David L. Miller
David L. Reinhart
David M. Currie
David Malcolm Bennett
David Mcintyre
David Mclaughlan
David Noakes
David P Gushee
David Peters
David Platt
David Powlison
David Rosage
David Stancliffe
David Stine
David Timms
David Williams
De Pijpekame Van
Deb Hopper
Debbie Williams
Deborah Duncan
Deborah Haddix
Deborah Jill Schloss
Deborah Smith Pegues
Debra Green
Dee Duke
Denise George
Derek W. H. Thomas
Derwin L Gray
Desmond Tutu
Dick Eastman (Fwd)
Dom David Foster
Don Nori
Don Underwood
Donald G Bloesch
Donald Harrington
Donald Postema
Donald S. Whitney
Donna K Maltese
Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle
Donna-marie Cooper O'Boyle
Doris M Ruscoe
Dorothy C Bass
Douglas D Webster
Douglas F. Kelly
Douglas J Dales
Douglas Jacoby
Douglas V. Steere
Dudley Hall
Dufresne (Ed)
E Dee Freeborn
E W Price (Jr)
E. Rozanne Elder
E. W. Kenyon
Eastman Curtis
Ed Silvoso
Eddy Hall
Edmond Smith
Edward Hagman
Edwin Searcy
Elaine Bond
Elena Bosetti
Elias Amidon
Elisa Morgan
Elizabeth George
Elizabeth Hinson-hasty
Elizabeth J. Canham
Elizabeth Koenig
Elizabeth Moore
Elizabeth Nixon
Elizabeth Roberts
Elizabeth Ruth O'Bbard
Ellen M. Swinford
Ellyn Sanna
Elrena Evans
Emilie Griffin
Emily Jensen
Enzo Bianchi
Eric Butterworth
Eric Hayden
Eric Ludy
Eric M Whitley
Eric M. Schumacher
Eric Metaxas (Fwd)
Erica Willis
Erik Lawson
Erwin W Lutzer
Esther De Waal
Eugene H Peterson
Eugene H. Peterson
Eugene Peterson
Evan B. Howard
Father Alexander Men
Fiona Horrobin
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Francesca Resta
Francis Chan
Francis Frangipane
Francis Macnutt
Frank Whaling
Frankie Mazzapica
Fred Hartley
Frederica Mathewes-Green
Frederica Mathewes-green
Frederick Ohler
French Arrington
G R D Mclean
Garth Andrews
Gary Neal Hansen
Gay Guidotti
Gayle Fisher-Stewart
Gayle Roper
Genny Coleman
George Guiver
George Muller
George Sawyer
Georgia Brown
Georgia Harkness
Gerald O'Collins
Gerald Robison
Gina Duke
Ginny Wilder
Graeme Cann (Fwd)
Graham Cooke
Graham Kendrick
Graham Power
Graham Turner
Greg Laurie
Greg Pruett
Gregg Braden
Gregory A. Boyd
Gregory Pearce
Gretchen Rodriguez
Guillermo Maldonado
H B Charles (Jr)
Hadley H. Kifner
Hamish Bruce
Hank Hanegraaff
Harold Best
Harold Smith
Hayden Dawes
Heather Bachelder
Heidi St John
Helen Ruth Thorne
Helen Thorne
Henry French
Henry Palenschus
Henry T Blackaby
Herb Montgomery
Herman Hanko
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Harvest House
Thomas Nelson Publishers
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Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge Spck
Whitaker House
Barbour & Co
Chosen Books
Augsburg/fortress Press
Prayershop Publishing
Upper Room Books
Abingdon Press
Morehouse Publishing
Canterbury Press Uk
Harrison House
Alive Publications
Charisma House
Intervarsity Press Usa
Paraclete Press
Broadstreet Publishing
Iron Stream Media
Westminster John Knox Press
Moody Publishers
Bethany House Publishers
Christian Focus Publications
Creation House
Discovery House
Good Book Company, The
Bridge Logos Publishers
Harper Collins Gift Books
Howard Books Publishing
Broadman & Holman
P&r Publishing
Bible Reading Fellowship
Christian Art
Darton, Longman & Todd
Hodder & Stoughton
Baker Book House
Bloomsbury Continuum Publishing Group
Wipf & Stock Publishers
Cascade Books
Tyndale Momentum
Monarch Books
Waterbrook Press
Beacon Hill Press Of Kansas City
Cengage Learning
Intervarsity Press Uk
The Rabbit Room Inc
Ave Maria Press
Church House Publishing Inc
Cowley Publications
Herald Press
Lexham Press
Liguori Publications
Liturgical Press
Australian Church Resources
Authentic Media
Broadleaf Books
Burns And Oates
Harper Collins Australia
Kregel Publications
Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd
Word And Spirit Publishing
Amg Publishers
Brazos Press
Clc Publications
Concordia Publishing House
David C Cook
Emerald House (Ambassador Int'l)
Faith Alive
Hendrickson Publishers
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Jossey Bass
Lutterworth Press
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Paulist Press
Scripture Union
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Crossroad Publishing Company
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Operation Mobilisation Australia Ltd
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Helmers & Howard
Ignatius Press
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Tabor Publications
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Three Rivers Press
Twenty-third Publications
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Waterfall Press
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William Carey Library
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