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Tim Chester

Tim Chester

Dr Tim Chester is the pastor of Grace Church in Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire, UK, and is a faculty member at The Acts 29 Oak Hill Academy. He is part of the Crowded House, a church planting initiative in Sheffield, UK, and is founder and co-director of the Porterbrook Seminary, a college-level theological training and ministry institute. He was previously Research and Policy Director for Tearfund and tutor in missiology at Cliff College.

Tim is the author of over thirty books of theology and history, ranging from the popular to the specialised, including Mission and the Coming of God: Eschatology, the Trinity and Mission in the Theology of Jurgen Moltmann (Paternoster); The Message of Prayer (Inter-Varsity Press); From Creation to New Creation (Paternoster); Good News to the Poor (Inter-Varsity Press); Delighting in the Trinity (Monarch); The Busy Christians Guide to Busyness(Inter-Varsity Press); and You can change: God's transforming power for our sinful behaviour and negative emotions (Inter-Varsity Press).

Tim is co-author of The Gospel-Centered Church (The Good Book Co), The World We All Want (Authentic) and Total Church (Inter-Varsity Press) and series editor of The Good Book Guides.

Tim is married to Helen, and they have two daughters.

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