Children's Sermons For the Revised Common Lectionary Year B
Philip SchroederPaperback 1997-08-01
Publisher Description
Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, the three volumes in this series of children's sermons use a multi-sensory approach to sermon preparation and delivery to help pastors and worship leaders better communicate with children.Illustrates how to use the five senses in delivering sermons that will reach children effectively. Sermon/worship preparation is made easier. Children are introduced to lectionary texts through language and activities they can easily understand. A sermon for each Sunday in the lectionary year, 52 sermons.
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Publisher Description
Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, the three volumes in this series of children's sermons use a multi-sensory approach to sermon preparation and delivery to help pastors and worship leaders better communicate with children.Illustrates how to use the five senses in delivering sermons that will reach children effectively. Sermon/worship preparation is made easier. Children are introduced to lectionary texts through language and activities they can easily understand. A sermon for each Sunday in the lectionary year, 52 sermons.