Churches Serving Schools (2nd Edition)
David LankshearPaperback 2002-09-20
Publisher Description
This is a handbook for churches who wish to develop better relationships with their local schools and to support all who work in education. It provides useful information on changes in the education system and an insight into what is actually happening in schools today. A range of suggestions for building and developing good relations with local schools is included, along with examples of good practice. Churches Serving Schools also includes photocopiable commissioning services for teachers and headteachers and prayers for schools and those who work in education.
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Publisher Description
This is a handbook for churches who wish to develop better relationships with their local schools and to support all who work in education. It provides useful information on changes in the education system and an insight into what is actually happening in schools today. A range of suggestions for building and developing good relations with local schools is included, along with examples of good practice. Churches Serving Schools also includes photocopiable commissioning services for teachers and headteachers and prayers for schools and those who work in education.