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El Amigo Que Nunca Falla: Cuentos Para Dormir Que Les Haran Despertar (Spanish)

Jose Luis Navajo

Paperback 2021-07-06

Publisher Description

El amigo que nunca falla es el primero de una serie de libros que llevar a los ni os por viajes apasionantes y los har conocer porciones claves de la Biblia, haci ndoles amar la lectura y mostr ndoles que la Palabra de Dios es el volumen m s perfecto, apasionante y transformador que jam s se haya escrito. En este primer libro, el consagrado escritor Jos Luis Navajo se fundamenta en el Salmo 23, presentando el salmo en un lenguaje ameno y, a la vez, profundo, con lecciones para padres e hijos.
La serie se titula Cuentos para dormir que les har n despertar. Te animamos a que lo uses para leer cada d a a tus hijos una historia que los enriquecer y sembrar en sus corazones importantes principios y valores positivos. Es tambi n una buena herramienta para que ellos mismos practiquen la lectura si ya comenzaron a leer.
Estos relatos nacieron al calor de un sue o: que ni os y ni as aprecien la Biblia y que la imagen de Jes s se forme en sus corazones.

The Friend Who Never Fails is the first in a series of books that will take children on exciting journeys and introduce them to key portions of the Bible, making them love to read and showing them that God's Word is the most perfect, exciting, and transforming that has ever been written. In this first book, the consecrated writer Jos Luis Navajo is based on Psalm 23, presenting the psalm in a pleasant and, at the same time, deep language, with lessons for parents and children.
The series is titled Bedtime stories that will make you wake up. We encourage you to use it to read to your children every day a story that will enrich them and plant important principles and positive values in their hearts. It is also a good tool for them to practice reading themselves if they have already started reading.
These stories were born in the heat of a dream: that boys and girls appreciate the Bible and that the image of Jesus is formed in their hearts.

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Publisher Description

El amigo que nunca falla es el primero de una serie de libros que llevar a los ni os por viajes apasionantes y los har conocer porciones claves de la Biblia, haci ndoles amar la lectura y mostr ndoles que la Palabra de Dios es el volumen m s perfecto, apasionante y transformador que jam s se haya escrito. En este primer libro, el consagrado escritor Jos Luis Navajo se fundamenta en el Salmo 23, presentando el salmo en un lenguaje ameno y, a la vez, profundo, con lecciones para padres e hijos.
La serie se titula Cuentos para dormir que les har n despertar. Te animamos a que lo uses para leer cada d a a tus hijos una historia que los enriquecer y sembrar en sus corazones importantes principios y valores positivos. Es tambi n una buena herramienta para que ellos mismos practiquen la lectura si ya comenzaron a leer.
Estos relatos nacieron al calor de un sue o: que ni os y ni as aprecien la Biblia y que la imagen de Jes s se forme en sus corazones.

The Friend Who Never Fails is the first in a series of books that will take children on exciting journeys and introduce them to key portions of the Bible, making them love to read and showing them that God's Word is the most perfect, exciting, and transforming that has ever been written. In this first book, the consecrated writer Jos Luis Navajo is based on Psalm 23, presenting the psalm in a pleasant and, at the same time, deep language, with lessons for parents and children.
The series is titled Bedtime stories that will make you wake up. We encourage you to use it to read to your children every day a story that will enrich them and plant important principles and positive values in their hearts. It is also a good tool for them to practice reading themselves if they have already started reading.
These stories were born in the heat of a dream: that boys and girls appreciate the Bible and that the image of Jesus is formed in their hearts.

Koorong Code596987
CategoryGlobal Language Editions
PublisherWhitaker House
Publication DateJul 2021
Dimensions9 x 152 x 228mm

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