Explore Together: Hearing From God and Learning From Each Other (Green, The Journey)
Lee Herdman, Lianne Semans SmithPaperback 2015-03-21
Publisher Description
Explore Together is a new and practical tool for helping people to engage with the Bible. It encourages the exploration of the Bible using natural learning preferences and preferred spiritual styles. At its heart is a desire to see people hear from God and learn more of his love for them. It works with big groups, small groups, mixed-age groups, single-age groups, older people, young people, children, families, house groups, church congregations, small groups, youth groups, school groups - in fact Explore Together can be used in any environment with any group dynamic.
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Publisher Description
Explore Together is a new and practical tool for helping people to engage with the Bible. It encourages the exploration of the Bible using natural learning preferences and preferred spiritual styles. At its heart is a desire to see people hear from God and learn more of his love for them. It works with big groups, small groups, mixed-age groups, single-age groups, older people, young people, children, families, house groups, church congregations, small groups, youth groups, school groups - in fact Explore Together can be used in any environment with any group dynamic.