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Jesulu Wati Kuru Pati Alantja (Jesus Heals a Blind Man): Children’s Bible Series - Pitjantjatjara

Booklet 2024-06-01

Jesus Heals a Blind Man in Pitjantjatjara tells the story of a blind beggar and his encounter with Jesus. When the beggar heard people going by, he asked what was happening. The people told him that Jesus was walking by. The blind beggar called out to Jesus, asking him for mercy. The people around him told him to be quiet, but he called out even louder. Jesus stopped and asked for the blind man to be brought to him. He asked the blind man what he wanted, and the blind man said he would like to see. Jesus healed him, and told him he was healed because he believed.

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Jesus Heals a Blind Man in Pitjantjatjara tells the story of a blind beggar and his encounter with Jesus. When the beggar heard people going by, he asked what was happening. The people told him that Jesus was walking by. The blind beggar called out to Jesus, asking him for mercy. The people around him told him to be quiet, but he called out even louder. Jesus stopped and asked for the blind man to be brought to him. He asked the blind man what he wanted, and the blind man said he would like to see. Jesus healed him, and told him he was healed because he believed.

Koorong Code661654
Sub-CategoryGlobal Languages
PublisherBible Society Australia
Publication DateJun 2024
Dimensions0 x 190 x 190mm