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Jesulu Wati Wawanypa Palyarunguntja (Jesus Heals the Sick Man): Children’s Bible Series - Pitjantjatjara

Booklet 2024-06-01

Jesus Heals a Sick Man in Pitjantjatjara tells the story about some friends who brought a paralysed man to see Jesus. It was so packed that they couldn’t get through the crowd, so they lowered their friend down through the roof on his mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he told the man his sins were forgiven. Some religious leaders questioned this, but Jesus asked which was easier; to forgive sins or heal? He then told the man to get up, take his mat, and go home. The man stood, walked, and everyone was amazed, praising God. This story shows the power of Jesus to heal and forgive, and the importance of faith and friendship.

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Jesus Heals a Sick Man in Pitjantjatjara tells the story about some friends who brought a paralysed man to see Jesus. It was so packed that they couldn’t get through the crowd, so they lowered their friend down through the roof on his mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he told the man his sins were forgiven. Some religious leaders questioned this, but Jesus asked which was easier; to forgive sins or heal? He then told the man to get up, take his mat, and go home. The man stood, walked, and everyone was amazed, praising God. This story shows the power of Jesus to heal and forgive, and the importance of faith and friendship.

Koorong Code661655
Sub-CategoryGlobal Languages
PublisherBible Society Australia
Publication DateJun 2024
Dimensions0 x 190 x 190mm