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Jesunya Ilkarikutu Ankunytja (Jesus Goes Away): Children’s Bible Stories Series-Pitjantjatjara

Booklet 2024-03-01

Jesus Goes Away in Pitjantjatjara picks up the story of Jesus following his resurrection. He appeared to his friends many times and told them he was sending the Holy Spirit, who would fill them with power to tell everyone about him. Then they saw Jesus disappear into a cloud, leaving two glowing men in white robes, who told them that Jesus had gone to heaven but would one day come back again. The friends often met together and one day – at Pentecost – there was a noise like the wind and little flames appeared that touched each person in the room. It was the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus, and his friends found that they could speak to people in different languages from other countries. They told people the good news about Jesus and that God’s promises were for all the people called by God.

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Jesus Goes Away in Pitjantjatjara picks up the story of Jesus following his resurrection. He appeared to his friends many times and told them he was sending the Holy Spirit, who would fill them with power to tell everyone about him. Then they saw Jesus disappear into a cloud, leaving two glowing men in white robes, who told them that Jesus had gone to heaven but would one day come back again. The friends often met together and one day – at Pentecost – there was a noise like the wind and little flames appeared that touched each person in the room. It was the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus, and his friends found that they could speak to people in different languages from other countries. They told people the good news about Jesus and that God’s promises were for all the people called by God.

Koorong Code660395
Sub-CategoryGlobal Languages
PublisherBible Society Australia
Publication DateMar 2024
Dimensions0 x 190 x 190mm