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Josephanya (Joseph): Children’s Bible Series - Pitjantjatjara

Booklet 2024-06-01

This book in Pitjantjatjara tells the story of a young boy who had dreams of greatness named Joseph. His brothers grew jealous and sold him into slavery. In Egypt, Joseph worked hard and gained favour, becoming a trusted servant in a captain of the guard's house. However, the captain’s wife falsely accused Joseph, and he was thrown into prison. Even in prison, Joseph remained faithful and interpreted dreams for fellow prisoners. Eventually, Pharaoh heard of Joseph's gift and called for him to interpret his dreams. Joseph revealed that Egypt would face seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Impressed, Pharaoh made Joseph his second-in-command. When the famine came, Joseph's family travelled to Egypt seeking food. Joseph forgave his brothers, and they were reconciled. Joseph's wisdom and faithfulness saved Egypt and his family, showing that even in difficult times, God has a plan for good.

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This book in Pitjantjatjara tells the story of a young boy who had dreams of greatness named Joseph. His brothers grew jealous and sold him into slavery. In Egypt, Joseph worked hard and gained favour, becoming a trusted servant in a captain of the guard's house. However, the captain’s wife falsely accused Joseph, and he was thrown into prison. Even in prison, Joseph remained faithful and interpreted dreams for fellow prisoners. Eventually, Pharaoh heard of Joseph's gift and called for him to interpret his dreams. Joseph revealed that Egypt would face seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Impressed, Pharaoh made Joseph his second-in-command. When the famine came, Joseph's family travelled to Egypt seeking food. Joseph forgave his brothers, and they were reconciled. Joseph's wisdom and faithfulness saved Egypt and his family, showing that even in difficult times, God has a plan for good.

Koorong Code661659
Sub-CategoryGlobal Languages
PublisherBible Society Australia
Publication DateJun 2024
Dimensions0 x 190 x 190mm