Light of Truth and Fire of Love
Gary D. BadcockPaperback 1997-04-01
Gary D BadcockThe doctrine of the Holy Spirit has often been a neglected theme in Christianthought. Fresh and comprehensive, this excellent study redresses the theologicalimbalance, developing a thoroughly trinitarian doctrine of the person and workof the Holy Spirit. 306 pages, from Eerdmans.
Publisher Description
Badcock begins by surveying what both the Old and New Testaments have to say about the Spirit. Next he traces the history of the theology of the Spirit, examining a number of crucial episodes and questions in the field of pneumatology in the history of Christian thought, and then proceeds to develop a contemporary theology of the Spirit.
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Gary D BadcockThe doctrine of the Holy Spirit has often been a neglected theme in Christianthought. Fresh and comprehensive, this excellent study redresses the theologicalimbalance, developing a thoroughly trinitarian doctrine of the person and workof the Holy Spirit. 306 pages, from Eerdmans.
Publisher Description
Badcock begins by surveying what both the Old and New Testaments have to say about the Spirit. Next he traces the history of the theology of the Spirit, examining a number of crucial episodes and questions in the field of pneumatology in the history of Christian thought, and then proceeds to develop a contemporary theology of the Spirit.