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Love and Surrender: New Teachings From Jesus

Gina Lake

Paperback 2014-09-17

Publisher Description

Love and Surrender explains the important role that surrender plays in releasing us from bondage to our conditioning into the freedom and love of our true nature. Surrender is the "miracle" that occurs when we are finally able to let go and let things be as they are. When this happens, we are Home, and love naturally flows to ourselves, to others, and to life. This is our natural state and the direction and goal for every human life. But how do we surrender? In Love and Surrender, Jesus, as dictated to Gina Lake, unveils this great mystery so that you can more easily live your life from a place of love, acceptance, peace, and happiness. This book is one in a trilogy of books by Jesus, which includes Choice and Will and Beliefs, Emotions, and the Creation of Reality. The books in the trilogy can be read in any order.From Love and Surrender: "Surrender is the means by which you come to know Love, or God... Love and surrender are important because they bring you your deepest heart's desire as a human being. You are meant to be happy, to love, to be at peace, and to be free. You are meant to move from fear, contraction, hopelessness, anger, victimization, and hate to trust, expansion, strength, courage, joy, peace, and love. This transformation comes about through surrender. All of the spiritual practices ever invented are designed to accomplish this one thing. Surrender is the boat that takes you from one shore to another, from the limited human experience to the experience of the Divine incarnate. This was my message in times gone by, and it is my message today: You are not only human but divine, and you are meant to flourish and love one another."Note from the author: I receive the books from Jesus in the same way that Helen Schucman received A Course in Miracles¸ which is also said to be dictated by Jesus, and which many others have received their writings, including St. Teresa of Avila, St. Hildegard of Bingen, Richard Bach, and Neale Donald Walsch. This method of receiving information is also called conscious channeling, but it is not mediumship in which the channel is unconscious and her body is used by an entity. Conscious channeling, or taking dictation, is a process of hearing words mentally and writing them down as they are heard, without any thought on my part. I can receive this communication anywhere. I don't need to be in a meditative or trance state. All that is necessary is that I don't think! When I'm receiving this dictation, it is as if Jesus is sitting in a chair next to me dictating the words, except that those words are heard mentally. I can ask questions during this dictation and receive answers, but the process works best when my own mind is completely set aside. Then the flow happens smoothly and rapidly and without interruption until a particular stopping place is reached.

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Publisher Description

Love and Surrender explains the important role that surrender plays in releasing us from bondage to our conditioning into the freedom and love of our true nature. Surrender is the "miracle" that occurs when we are finally able to let go and let things be as they are. When this happens, we are Home, and love naturally flows to ourselves, to others, and to life. This is our natural state and the direction and goal for every human life. But how do we surrender? In Love and Surrender, Jesus, as dictated to Gina Lake, unveils this great mystery so that you can more easily live your life from a place of love, acceptance, peace, and happiness. This book is one in a trilogy of books by Jesus, which includes Choice and Will and Beliefs, Emotions, and the Creation of Reality. The books in the trilogy can be read in any order.From Love and Surrender: "Surrender is the means by which you come to know Love, or God... Love and surrender are important because they bring you your deepest heart's desire as a human being. You are meant to be happy, to love, to be at peace, and to be free. You are meant to move from fear, contraction, hopelessness, anger, victimization, and hate to trust, expansion, strength, courage, joy, peace, and love. This transformation comes about through surrender. All of the spiritual practices ever invented are designed to accomplish this one thing. Surrender is the boat that takes you from one shore to another, from the limited human experience to the experience of the Divine incarnate. This was my message in times gone by, and it is my message today: You are not only human but divine, and you are meant to flourish and love one another."Note from the author: I receive the books from Jesus in the same way that Helen Schucman received A Course in Miracles¸ which is also said to be dictated by Jesus, and which many others have received their writings, including St. Teresa of Avila, St. Hildegard of Bingen, Richard Bach, and Neale Donald Walsch. This method of receiving information is also called conscious channeling, but it is not mediumship in which the channel is unconscious and her body is used by an entity. Conscious channeling, or taking dictation, is a process of hearing words mentally and writing them down as they are heard, without any thought on my part. I can receive this communication anywhere. I don't need to be in a meditative or trance state. All that is necessary is that I don't think! When I'm receiving this dictation, it is as if Jesus is sitting in a chair next to me dictating the words, except that those words are heard mentally. I can ask questions during this dictation and receive answers, but the process works best when my own mind is completely set aside. Then the flow happens smoothly and rapidly and without interruption until a particular stopping place is reached.

Koorong Code506197
CategoryChristian Living
PublisherCreate Space
Publication DateSep 2014
Dimensions7 x 133 x 202mm