One Day At a Time
Trevor HudsonPaperback 2007-11-01
Publisher Description
Trevor Hudson has written One Day at a Time for anyone who: worries too much, struggles with compulsive or addictive behavior, battles with stress and tension, sabotages relationships with destructive behavior, feels trapped by feelings of self-condemnation, guilt, and regret, worships regularly but feels bogged down in pious cliches. If you identify with any of the descriptions above, take heart. There is hope. Plug in to the Power. Working the 12 Steps can become God's surprising way of keeping your life on track.
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Publisher Description
Trevor Hudson has written One Day at a Time for anyone who: worries too much, struggles with compulsive or addictive behavior, battles with stress and tension, sabotages relationships with destructive behavior, feels trapped by feelings of self-condemnation, guilt, and regret, worships regularly but feels bogged down in pious cliches. If you identify with any of the descriptions above, take heart. There is hope. Plug in to the Power. Working the 12 Steps can become God's surprising way of keeping your life on track.