Over My Shoulder: Stories That Show How Personality Affects Cross-Cultural Mission
Naomi ReedPaperback 2007-05-01
"The biggest problem amongst missionaries today is not a lack of funding, disagreements over strategy or even interpersonal conflict. It's an issue of comparison. Most of us spend so much time looking over our shoulders and thinking that we should be more like so-and-so that we fail to appreciate the way God has made us uniquely and wonderfully - for his purposes, his body, and his glory."
Naomi Reed
In Over My Shoulder, Naomi Reed acknowledges the debilitating issue of comparison amongst missionaries and then sets out to discover whether there is, in fact, an ideal missionary personality. Her research leads her to conduct 49 interviews with a range of cross-cultural workers whose responses to questions of adjustment and missionary life are as diverse as they are excruciatingly honest. In linking these responses to personality type, Naomi provides a unique glimpse into the way different personalities respond to the challenges and delights of cross-cultural service. It's in knowing and understanding ourselves and each other, she concludes, that we're more able to serve God effectively in the places where he leads us. This is a unique and timely book which will both encourage and stimulate the missions community - it's a must-read for anyone interested in, or involved in, cross-cultural mission.
- Publisher
Publisher Description
In Over My Shoulder, Naomi Reed seeks to reveal and celebrate our differences within cross-cultural service. She draws from 49 interviews with a range of cross-cultural workers whose responses to questions of adjustment and missionary life are as diverse as they are excruciatingly honest. In linking these responses to personality type, Naomi provides a unique glimpse into the way different personalities respond to the challenges and delights of cross-cultural service. This book will both encourage and stimulate the missions community - it's a must-read for anyone involved in, or interested in, cross-cultural mission.
"Serving cross-culturally with an international mission organisation can be as challenging as it is deeply rewarding. On top of language learning and local cultural orientation, there is also the need to form good working relationships with people from widely differing backgrounds and to deal healthily with a range of expectations. It's no wonder then that out of our insecurities, we're tempted to look over our shoulders and think that we have to grow in likeness to the expatriate who lives down the street, rather than in likeness to Christ." Naomi Reed
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"The biggest problem amongst missionaries today is not a lack of funding, disagreements over strategy or even interpersonal conflict. It's an issue of comparison. Most of us spend so much time looking over our shoulders and thinking that we should be more like so-and-so that we fail to appreciate the way God has made us uniquely and wonderfully - for his purposes, his body, and his glory."
Naomi Reed
In Over My Shoulder, Naomi Reed acknowledges the debilitating issue of comparison amongst missionaries and then sets out to discover whether there is, in fact, an ideal missionary personality. Her research leads her to conduct 49 interviews with a range of cross-cultural workers whose responses to questions of adjustment and missionary life are as diverse as they are excruciatingly honest. In linking these responses to personality type, Naomi provides a unique glimpse into the way different personalities respond to the challenges and delights of cross-cultural service. It's in knowing and understanding ourselves and each other, she concludes, that we're more able to serve God effectively in the places where he leads us. This is a unique and timely book which will both encourage and stimulate the missions community - it's a must-read for anyone interested in, or involved in, cross-cultural mission.
- Publisher
Publisher Description
In Over My Shoulder, Naomi Reed seeks to reveal and celebrate our differences within cross-cultural service. She draws from 49 interviews with a range of cross-cultural workers whose responses to questions of adjustment and missionary life are as diverse as they are excruciatingly honest. In linking these responses to personality type, Naomi provides a unique glimpse into the way different personalities respond to the challenges and delights of cross-cultural service. This book will both encourage and stimulate the missions community - it's a must-read for anyone involved in, or interested in, cross-cultural mission.
"Serving cross-culturally with an international mission organisation can be as challenging as it is deeply rewarding. On top of language learning and local cultural orientation, there is also the need to form good working relationships with people from widely differing backgrounds and to deal healthily with a range of expectations. It's no wonder then that out of our insecurities, we're tempted to look over our shoulders and think that we have to grow in likeness to the expatriate who lives down the street, rather than in likeness to Christ." Naomi Reed