Paul, Moses and the History of Israel (Paternoster Biblical Monographs Series)
Scott J HafemannPaperback 2005-02-01
Publisher Description
Many have asked thequestion "Can I findmeaning in life" This isbecause we as humanbeings need to feel thatour lives count forsomething that they aresignificant. It is linked toour selfesteem. To feel unimportant is to feelinadequate and this is a difficult burden to bear.Enjoying a meaningful life is therefore a preciousthing and something that is worthwhilesearching for. However if our existence isultimately meaningless if there's no God to obeyand no immortality to enjoy then our individualactions become utterly futile. This book is apersonal apologetic that is thoughtprovoking forboth Christians and nonChristians.
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Publisher Description
Many have asked thequestion "Can I findmeaning in life" This isbecause we as humanbeings need to feel thatour lives count forsomething that they aresignificant. It is linked toour selfesteem. To feel unimportant is to feelinadequate and this is a difficult burden to bear.Enjoying a meaningful life is therefore a preciousthing and something that is worthwhilesearching for. However if our existence isultimately meaningless if there's no God to obeyand no immortality to enjoy then our individualactions become utterly futile. This book is apersonal apologetic that is thoughtprovoking forboth Christians and nonChristians.