Pentecost - Today? the Biblical Basis For Understanding Revival
Iain H MurrayHardback 1999-05-01
Pentecost showed that the gospel is able to win sudden acceptance despite the strongest opposition. How is it that Christianity can so often differ from the apostolic pattern and yet at other times sees advances which do indeed seem to compare with those of the early church? Is Pentecost a permanent reality? Murray offers a different approach to questions crucial to the present state of the church. 240 pages, from Banner of Truth.
Publisher Description
Presents the biblical teaching on which our understanding of revival should be based and faces questions raised by a comparison between the church of today and that of New Testament times.
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Pentecost showed that the gospel is able to win sudden acceptance despite the strongest opposition. How is it that Christianity can so often differ from the apostolic pattern and yet at other times sees advances which do indeed seem to compare with those of the early church? Is Pentecost a permanent reality? Murray offers a different approach to questions crucial to the present state of the church. 240 pages, from Banner of Truth.
Publisher Description
Presents the biblical teaching on which our understanding of revival should be based and faces questions raised by a comparison between the church of today and that of New Testament times.