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Rumours of a Better Country: Searching For Trust and Community in a Time of Moral Outrage

Marsh Moyle

Hardback 2023-10-19

Publisher Description

Hyper-individualism and consumerism have failed to satisfy our hunger for meaning. We face an identity crisis in which people are lonely, and anxiety is high. Culture wars show our deep divisions over what our changing moral standards should become. Is it possible to find a vision for goodness that can bring us together? Rumours of a Better Country addresses our hunger for a better way of living by awakening a vision of trust and a trusting community. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of the Decalogue, it demonstrates how the freedom to trust and the call to trustworthiness are the most fulfilling of freedoms. From the author's chance encounter with the Palestinian Liberation Organization in a pub in Communist Czechoslovakia, to the questions and mysteries of Cafe Now and Not Yet, and to the ancient slopes of Mount Sinai, Rumours of a Better Country takes us on a rich and provocative journey into the heart of goodness and why it matters.

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Publisher Description

Hyper-individualism and consumerism have failed to satisfy our hunger for meaning. We face an identity crisis in which people are lonely, and anxiety is high. Culture wars show our deep divisions over what our changing moral standards should become. Is it possible to find a vision for goodness that can bring us together? Rumours of a Better Country addresses our hunger for a better way of living by awakening a vision of trust and a trusting community. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of the Decalogue, it demonstrates how the freedom to trust and the call to trustworthiness are the most fulfilling of freedoms. From the author's chance encounter with the Palestinian Liberation Organization in a pub in Communist Czechoslovakia, to the questions and mysteries of Cafe Now and Not Yet, and to the ancient slopes of Mount Sinai, Rumours of a Better Country takes us on a rich and provocative journey into the heart of goodness and why it matters.

Koorong Code649111
CategoryChristian Worldview
Sub-CategorySocial Issues
PublisherIntervarsity Press Uk
Publication DateOct 2023
Dimensions30 x 144 x 226mm