Seeking the Truth
Chris LancasterPaperback 2015-09-09
Publisher Description
Seeking the Truth explores the real truth about our existence; where we came from and why; and who created us. It examines the nature and character of God and how we can come to know Him personally. In an age of skepticism, this book seeks only the truth, searching for the real meaning and purpose of life. Those looking for the truth will find it a spiritual journey. They will come to know and have a restored relationship with our Creator. The most ancient of all books, the Bible, is just as relevant today as ever, prophesizing about what will happen in the future, and when the end times draw near. Seeking the Truth takes readers on a journey of discovery. The author too explores and initiates his own spiritual voyage, a pilgrimage of discovery. Learn the truth about life itself; how and where we came from; and where we are going in the future. First-time author Chris Lancaster lives with his wife Lyn on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia, where they worship at Christian Fellowship of Noosa Inc. He retired after fourteen years as general manager of Lifeline (a Christian humanitarian counselling organisation). An associate fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, the author holds two post-graduate degrees in professional business and management. A justice of the peace, he is also a teacher/trainer and an assessor for the Queensland Justices Association, and a board member of the Churches of Christ Medical Santo Inc., a Christian charitable medical aid clinic in Vanuatu. His motivation for writing the book is to see people in this seemingly broken world turn back to God. He has four children and seven grandchildren. Publisher's website: http: //
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Publisher Description
Seeking the Truth explores the real truth about our existence; where we came from and why; and who created us. It examines the nature and character of God and how we can come to know Him personally. In an age of skepticism, this book seeks only the truth, searching for the real meaning and purpose of life. Those looking for the truth will find it a spiritual journey. They will come to know and have a restored relationship with our Creator. The most ancient of all books, the Bible, is just as relevant today as ever, prophesizing about what will happen in the future, and when the end times draw near. Seeking the Truth takes readers on a journey of discovery. The author too explores and initiates his own spiritual voyage, a pilgrimage of discovery. Learn the truth about life itself; how and where we came from; and where we are going in the future. First-time author Chris Lancaster lives with his wife Lyn on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia, where they worship at Christian Fellowship of Noosa Inc. He retired after fourteen years as general manager of Lifeline (a Christian humanitarian counselling organisation). An associate fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, the author holds two post-graduate degrees in professional business and management. A justice of the peace, he is also a teacher/trainer and an assessor for the Queensland Justices Association, and a board member of the Churches of Christ Medical Santo Inc., a Christian charitable medical aid clinic in Vanuatu. His motivation for writing the book is to see people in this seemingly broken world turn back to God. He has four children and seven grandchildren. Publisher's website: http: //