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Teaching Your Child About Money (Parenting Mini Books Series)

Marty Machowski

Booklet 2018-09-10

Publisher Description

Guess who is watching you spend your money? Your children are not just hearing your words about spending; they are watching you do it. What lessons are your children learning about the financial choices you make? Are they learning to trust God and prioritize his kingdom?

Family pastor Marty Machowski helps parents to first consider how their spending reflects their hearts, and then to grow in being rich toward God and others. He weaves foundational, biblical principles about money, generosity, and Christ's lordship with simple illustrations to share with children. Parents are guided in helping their children express their faith in how they spend their money and given practical ways to encourage giving.

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Publisher Description

Guess who is watching you spend your money? Your children are not just hearing your words about spending; they are watching you do it. What lessons are your children learning about the financial choices you make? Are they learning to trust God and prioritize his kingdom?

Family pastor Marty Machowski helps parents to first consider how their spending reflects their hearts, and then to grow in being rich toward God and others. He weaves foundational, biblical principles about money, generosity, and Christ's lordship with simple illustrations to share with children. Parents are guided in helping their children express their faith in how they spend their money and given practical ways to encourage giving.

Koorong Code562411
PublisherNew Growth Press
Publication DateSep 2018
Dimensions2 x 107 x 190mm