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The Bible Promise Book (KJV) (The Bible Promise Book Series)

Mass Market Edition 1899-12-30

TC94D For seventy years this thought-provoking devotional hasmaintained its relevance to Christians.JUNE94 - LLKJV PBOswald Chambers These thought-provoking daily devotionals areas relevant today as when first spoken by Chambers overseventyyearsago.NootherdailydevotionalbookhasreceivedsuchwideacceptanceandpraisefromeverysegmentoftheChristiancommunity.fromBarbour.

Publisher Description

Continually a best-seller, 'The Bible Promise Book' is a remarkable testament to the promises of the Bible. Arranged alphabetically by subject, including: God's Love, Forgiveness, Faith, Honesty, Mercy, Salvation, Trust and More.

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TC94D For seventy years this thought-provoking devotional hasmaintained its relevance to Christians.JUNE94 - LLKJV PBOswald Chambers These thought-provoking daily devotionals areas relevant today as when first spoken by Chambers overseventyyearsago.NootherdailydevotionalbookhasreceivedsuchwideacceptanceandpraisefromeverysegmentoftheChristiancommunity.fromBarbour.

Publisher Description

Continually a best-seller, 'The Bible Promise Book' is a remarkable testament to the promises of the Bible. Arranged alphabetically by subject, including: God's Love, Forgiveness, Faith, Honesty, Mercy, Salvation, Trust and More.

Koorong Code53034
Sub-CategoryQuotes & Promises
PublisherBarbour & Co
Publication DateDec 1899
Dimensions13 x 106 x 171mm
Stroke Plus Icon

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