The Good Samaritan (Lost Sheep Series)
Andrew McdonoughPaperback 2013-01-01
Here he goes again! Jesus gets into another argument with a Bible expert about how God's people are to live. He tells this great story and we've added the pictures. Be careful reading this book. If you grasp what Jesus is saying it may change your life. Based on Luke 10:25—37 this is a great story for teaching kids how to love others.
"Fresh, vivid and attention-grabbing. These stories touch the heart and illuminate the mind. Great work!" — Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author
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Here he goes again! Jesus gets into another argument with a Bible expert about how God's people are to live. He tells this great story and we've added the pictures. Be careful reading this book. If you grasp what Jesus is saying it may change your life. Based on Luke 10:25—37 this is a great story for teaching kids how to love others.
"Fresh, vivid and attention-grabbing. These stories touch the heart and illuminate the mind. Great work!" — Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author