The Joy of Intercession (Study Guide): Becoming a Happy Intercessor
Beni JohnsonPaperback 2013-08-20
Publisher Description
Experience breakthrough, intimacy with the Father, and supernatural joy when you pray!
When you think of intercession, what comes to mind? For many Christians, intercession and prayer have become a drudgery rather than a delight. You may feel this way right now! Get ready to revolutionize your prayer life and approach God in a fresh new way through this powerful curriculum.
Beni Johnson is committed to showing believers that intercessory prayer is one of the most powerful&... and joyful&... expressions in the Christian life.
In these dynamic sessions, you will learn how to: * Pray from God&'s heart
- Pray from the place of victory
- Pray like Jesus
- Understand the three spiritual realms
- Pray to direct the atmosphere
- Wage warfare through worship and joy
Join Beni Johnson as she takes you on a journey into the joyful heart of Father God that will transform the way you pray&... forever
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Publisher Description
Experience breakthrough, intimacy with the Father, and supernatural joy when you pray!
When you think of intercession, what comes to mind? For many Christians, intercession and prayer have become a drudgery rather than a delight. You may feel this way right now! Get ready to revolutionize your prayer life and approach God in a fresh new way through this powerful curriculum.
Beni Johnson is committed to showing believers that intercessory prayer is one of the most powerful&... and joyful&... expressions in the Christian life.
In these dynamic sessions, you will learn how to: * Pray from God&'s heart
- Pray from the place of victory
- Pray like Jesus
- Understand the three spiritual realms
- Pray to direct the atmosphere
- Wage warfare through worship and joy
Join Beni Johnson as she takes you on a journey into the joyful heart of Father God that will transform the way you pray&... forever