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Treasures in Jars of Clay

Claudio Freidzon

Paperback 1999-08-27

Publisher Description

No matter how many abuses, failures or roadblocks you've encountered, you can experience true joy and freedom, as you yield to the Potter's hand. Meet men and women like yourself who overcame the affects of poverty, great trials, hardships and obstacles, exchanging their brokenness for wholeness. No human act of self-improvement can bring about the transformation you've been striving for. Only when you've entered God's workshop will you understand why the Potter breaks and reshapes a vessel to make it new. You'll start to see how broken pieces from your own life, in the hands of the Potter, Almighty God, can be reshaped, reformed and transformed!

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Publisher Description

No matter how many abuses, failures or roadblocks you've encountered, you can experience true joy and freedom, as you yield to the Potter's hand. Meet men and women like yourself who overcame the affects of poverty, great trials, hardships and obstacles, exchanging their brokenness for wholeness. No human act of self-improvement can bring about the transformation you've been striving for. Only when you've entered God's workshop will you understand why the Potter breaks and reshapes a vessel to make it new. You'll start to see how broken pieces from your own life, in the hands of the Potter, Almighty God, can be reshaped, reformed and transformed!

Koorong Code138637
CategorySpiritual Growth
PublisherCreation House
Publication DateAug 1999
Dimensions22 x 152 x 228mm