Triumphant: Be Inspired to Find Victory Amidst Life's Challenges
Merrilyn DelportePaperback 2020-11-21
Publisher Description
Triumphant is a collection of short stories inspiring us to seek freedom from common fears, including a sense of rejection, loss, and control. Each chapter ends with a Reflect and Act guide to help the reader apply biblically-based wisdom to their own challenges and situation. This guide can also be used for small group activities. Whether you simply want to live better in the daily grind, or get through the darkest season ever imagined, this book encourages readers to live life victoriously.
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Publisher Description
Triumphant is a collection of short stories inspiring us to seek freedom from common fears, including a sense of rejection, loss, and control. Each chapter ends with a Reflect and Act guide to help the reader apply biblically-based wisdom to their own challenges and situation. This guide can also be used for small group activities. Whether you simply want to live better in the daily grind, or get through the darkest season ever imagined, this book encourages readers to live life victoriously.