Behold the Beauty (Grades 4-6)
Connie L MeyerSpiral 2014-08-22
Publisher Description
This book is an extensive commentary on the articles drawn up by the great Synod of Dordrecht (1618-19). The articles stated and defended the doctrines of sovereign grace and rejected the Arminian error of free will. The Canons thereby resolved a raging controversy in the Dutch Reformed Churches concerning the sovereign grace of God. The introduction and appendices of the commentary include a details of the history of the synod. This revised second edition features improved readability while maintaining the meaning and substance of the material.
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Publisher Description
This book is an extensive commentary on the articles drawn up by the great Synod of Dordrecht (1618-19). The articles stated and defended the doctrines of sovereign grace and rejected the Arminian error of free will. The Canons thereby resolved a raging controversy in the Dutch Reformed Churches concerning the sovereign grace of God. The introduction and appendices of the commentary include a details of the history of the synod. This revised second edition features improved readability while maintaining the meaning and substance of the material.