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Complete Jewish Bible Blue

David H Stern

Imitation Leather 2017-02-01

This Bible presents the Old (Tanakh) and New (B'rit Hadashah) Testaments as a unified book. The aim is to connect Jewish readers with the Messiah and to enhance the sense of Jewish heritage for Gentile Christians. Names and key terms are given easy-to-understand transliterations so they can be pronounced authentically! Also includes book introductions from biblical Jewish perspectives, articles on the Jewishness of the complete Christian Scriptures, and traditional synagogue readings with augmented with New Testament readings.
9-10 pt font

Publisher Description

NEW features of this Bible: Updated text and an introduction for each book of the bible written from a biblically Jewish perspective.

Why is this Bible different from all other Bibles?

Because it is the only English version fully Jewish in style and presentation. It includes Dr. Stern s newly updated version of the Tanakh ( Old Testament ) and his highly acclaimed Jewish New Testament.

The Complete Jewish Bible

follows the Hebrew Bible order of the Tanakh s books, the order with which Yeshua (Jesus) was familiar

makes no separation between Old and New Testaments

clarifies misunderstandings by recognizing the Jewish historical/ cultural background of the text

offers the original Hebrew names for people, places, and concepts, using easy-to-read English transliterations and pronunciations

focuses on Messianic prophecy

gives the traditional weekly and holiday synagogue readings, plus relevant readings from the B rit Hadashah (New Testament)

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Other English Versions


This Bible presents the Old (Tanakh) and New (B'rit Hadashah) Testaments as a unified book. The aim is to connect Jewish readers with the Messiah and to enhance the sense of Jewish heritage for Gentile Christians. Names and key terms are given easy-to-understand transliterations so they can be pronounced authentically! Also includes book introductions from biblical Jewish perspectives, articles on the Jewishness of the complete Christian Scriptures, and traditional synagogue readings with augmented with New Testament readings.
9-10 pt font

Publisher Description

NEW features of this Bible: Updated text and an introduction for each book of the bible written from a biblically Jewish perspective.

Why is this Bible different from all other Bibles?

Because it is the only English version fully Jewish in style and presentation. It includes Dr. Stern s newly updated version of the Tanakh ( Old Testament ) and his highly acclaimed Jewish New Testament.

The Complete Jewish Bible

follows the Hebrew Bible order of the Tanakh s books, the order with which Yeshua (Jesus) was familiar

makes no separation between Old and New Testaments

clarifies misunderstandings by recognizing the Jewish historical/ cultural background of the text

offers the original Hebrew names for people, places, and concepts, using easy-to-read English transliterations and pronunciations

focuses on Messianic prophecy

gives the traditional weekly and holiday synagogue readings, plus relevant readings from the B rit Hadashah (New Testament)

Koorong Code479541
CategoryOther Versions
PublisherMessianic Jewish Publishers
Publication DateFeb 2017
Dimensions0 x 0 x 0mm

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