Expositional Preaching - How We Speak God's Word Today (9marks Building Healthy Churches Series)
David R. HelmHardback 2014-04-30
In this brief volume, pastor David Helm presents the fourfold foundation of truly life-giving, God-glorifying preaching: contextualization, exegesis, theological reflection, and application. Written for church leaders and laypersons alike, this is a practical, step-by-step, easy-to-read guide.
Publisher Description
:Preachers fill our church pulpits, conference stages, and television airwaves. But the question remains:&*What does good preaching sound like?&*In this accessible volume&-written for church leaders and laypersons alike&-pastor David Helm offers us an answer as he outlines the four foundational elements underlying truly life-giving, God-glorifying preaching: contextualization, exegesis, theological reflection, and application. Emphasizing faithful exposition of the biblical text over snappy sound bites or quippy platitudes, this short book offers practical, step-by-step guidance for preachers and will equip laypersons to recognize good preaching when they hear it.
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In this brief volume, pastor David Helm presents the fourfold foundation of truly life-giving, God-glorifying preaching: contextualization, exegesis, theological reflection, and application. Written for church leaders and laypersons alike, this is a practical, step-by-step, easy-to-read guide.
Publisher Description
:Preachers fill our church pulpits, conference stages, and television airwaves. But the question remains:&*What does good preaching sound like?&*In this accessible volume&-written for church leaders and laypersons alike&-pastor David Helm offers us an answer as he outlines the four foundational elements underlying truly life-giving, God-glorifying preaching: contextualization, exegesis, theological reflection, and application. Emphasizing faithful exposition of the biblical text over snappy sound bites or quippy platitudes, this short book offers practical, step-by-step guidance for preachers and will equip laypersons to recognize good preaching when they hear it.