Gracias (Thank You) (Spanish)
Juliet David, Mike Byrne (Illus)Padded Board Book 2020-01-01
Esta serie de pequenos libros con tapa dura acolchada y coloridas ilustraciones tienen el proposito de ayudar a los ninos a decir "por favor", "perdon" y "gracias". Estos libros no solo ensenan del amor de Dios sino que tambien promueven los buenos modales.
This set of small padded board books with colorful illustrations are intended to help children learn to say "please", "sorry", and "thank you." These three books not only teach about God's love, they also foster good habits.
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Esta serie de pequenos libros con tapa dura acolchada y coloridas ilustraciones tienen el proposito de ayudar a los ninos a decir "por favor", "perdon" y "gracias". Estos libros no solo ensenan del amor de Dios sino que tambien promueven los buenos modales.
This set of small padded board books with colorful illustrations are intended to help children learn to say "please", "sorry", and "thank you." These three books not only teach about God's love, they also foster good habits.