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Tjakiyatjangya (Zacchaeus): Children’s Bible Series - Pitjantjatjara

Booklet 2024-06-01

Zacchaeus in Pitjantjatjara is a story about a man named Zacchaeus, who was a tax collector. He was not liked because he often cheated people. He was short, so he climbed a tree to see Jesus passing by. Jesus noticed him and told him to come down because he wanted to visit his house. People were surprised because Jesus chose to spend time with this man they didn’t like. But spending time with Jesus changed Zacchaeus. He promised to give back money he had cheated from people and to help the poor. Jesus said Zacchaeus was now part of God’s family because he had changed his ways. This story teaches us that no matter what we’ve done, if we’re willing to change, Jesus accepts us and forgives us.

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Zacchaeus in Pitjantjatjara is a story about a man named Zacchaeus, who was a tax collector. He was not liked because he often cheated people. He was short, so he climbed a tree to see Jesus passing by. Jesus noticed him and told him to come down because he wanted to visit his house. People were surprised because Jesus chose to spend time with this man they didn’t like. But spending time with Jesus changed Zacchaeus. He promised to give back money he had cheated from people and to help the poor. Jesus said Zacchaeus was now part of God’s family because he had changed his ways. This story teaches us that no matter what we’ve done, if we’re willing to change, Jesus accepts us and forgives us.

Koorong Code661663
Sub-CategoryGlobal Languages
PublisherBible Society Australia
Publication DateJun 2024
Dimensions0 x 190 x 190mm