Skye JethaniPaperback 2011-08-22
Instead of life over, under, from, or even for God, what leads us into freedom and restoration is life with God.
Why are American Christians, who have more access to biblical teaching than any other people in history, failing to experience the freedom of the Christian life? Why are pastors, those closest to the work and ministry, burning out at an alarming rate? Why do many church members, who give large amounts of their time and wealth to Christ and his kingdom, secretly question the legitimacy of their efforts? And why are spiritual seekers dismissing the validity of the Christian message?
Is it possible we've misunderstood the call of the Christian life?
With explores the narrative of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and the stories of faithful women and men throughout history, to show that we were created to be with God, and that restoring this connection is his mission. When we neglect this calling in favor of a life over, under, from, or even for God, we will not know the freedom Christ intended. But a life lived in rich communion with God cultivates faith, hope, and love in a way that transforms both us and the broken world we inhabit.
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Publisher Description
Stop Living Your Life Under, Over, From and For God and Start Living in Communion With Him.
If we've grown weary of Christianity, if we find most any local church uninspiring, maybe the problem lies not in the Christian faith or these faithful bodies, but in our own disgruntled hearts. In With, Syke Jethani tenderly unmasks the clich d posturing that too often masquerades as genuine communion with Christ. More importantly, he takes readers to the humble place they must occupy?in prayer, studying Scripture, with the Church?if faith, hope, and love are to truly mark our lives. ?James H. Gilmore, author, The Experience Economy
Made of the stuff of spiritual classics and presented in simple, contemporary terms, Skye Jethani does each of us a great service in calling us to reimagine the way we relate to God. We so readily fall prey to living out distortions and reductions to our Christian faith?with disastrous consequences. You and I are far more than sinners, consumers, managers, and servants. We are dearly loved by God and made for eternal communion with him. Everything looks different when we live life in response to God's love.?Paul Louis Metzger, Ph.D., Professor of Christian Theology & Theology of Culture, Multnomah Biblical Seminary and author of The Gospel of John: When Love Comes to Town
Cleverly using four prepositions?under, over, from, and for, Skye Jethani convincingly diagnoses the reigning paradigms of life?whether secular or religious?and shows how each one has captured some element of truth but in the end is deficient; Ultimately, they miss the most important thing'real communion with the living God. Thus utilizing one final preposition, With, he lays out what it really means to know and experience communion with God?a life of faith, hope and love?the very things that we all desperately want and need. This is a helpful, encouraging, and inspiring book. ?Jim Belcher, author of Deep Church
It doesn?t matter, as old theologians were rumored to argue, how many angels can dance on a pinhead. But it does matter which preposition governs your faith?over, after, against, for, from, under, with. Who knew what huge worlds turn on such tiny words? Who knew what theological riches were laced into the bones of grammar? Skye has done a great service to the church. In prose elegant and clear, with insights keen and deep, he shows how everything changes with just one word: With. It's a book I want my whole church to read. ?Mark Buchanan, author of Spiritual Rhythm
Who knew that a preposition had so much influence? Skye's book will challenge the way that you think about God and faith digging deep into our motivations and heart issues. You can't read this book and not see yourself and others differently! ?Margaret Feinberg, author of Scouting the Divine and Hungry for God
This book will do for our generation what J.B. Phillips, in his classic Your God is Too Small, did for his. With reveals views of God that can't satisfy and opens up the possibility for exploring a life with God that more than satisfies. ?Scot McKnight, author of One.Life and The Blue Parakeet, professor of theology and biblical studies at North Park University
Since I dove into With, I can't stop thinking about it. Skye Jethani's insights will change how you think about God...and you...and how the two of you relate. ?Dr. Kara E. Powell, Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute
There's a good reason why Skye is a senior editor at Leadership Journal?he writes with a stylish verve, real intelligence, and spiritual depth. Suggesting that the basic posture that you adopt towards God determines the quality, meaning, and direction of your life, With is designed to head readers in the right direction. ?Alan Hirsch, author of Untamed, TheForgottenWays.org
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Instead of life over, under, from, or even for God, what leads us into freedom and restoration is life with God.
Why are American Christians, who have more access to biblical teaching than any other people in history, failing to experience the freedom of the Christian life? Why are pastors, those closest to the work and ministry, burning out at an alarming rate? Why do many church members, who give large amounts of their time and wealth to Christ and his kingdom, secretly question the legitimacy of their efforts? And why are spiritual seekers dismissing the validity of the Christian message?
Is it possible we've misunderstood the call of the Christian life?
With explores the narrative of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and the stories of faithful women and men throughout history, to show that we were created to be with God, and that restoring this connection is his mission. When we neglect this calling in favor of a life over, under, from, or even for God, we will not know the freedom Christ intended. But a life lived in rich communion with God cultivates faith, hope, and love in a way that transforms both us and the broken world we inhabit.
- Publisher
Publisher Description
Stop Living Your Life Under, Over, From and For God and Start Living in Communion With Him.
If we've grown weary of Christianity, if we find most any local church uninspiring, maybe the problem lies not in the Christian faith or these faithful bodies, but in our own disgruntled hearts. In With, Syke Jethani tenderly unmasks the clich d posturing that too often masquerades as genuine communion with Christ. More importantly, he takes readers to the humble place they must occupy?in prayer, studying Scripture, with the Church?if faith, hope, and love are to truly mark our lives. ?James H. Gilmore, author, The Experience Economy
Made of the stuff of spiritual classics and presented in simple, contemporary terms, Skye Jethani does each of us a great service in calling us to reimagine the way we relate to God. We so readily fall prey to living out distortions and reductions to our Christian faith?with disastrous consequences. You and I are far more than sinners, consumers, managers, and servants. We are dearly loved by God and made for eternal communion with him. Everything looks different when we live life in response to God's love.?Paul Louis Metzger, Ph.D., Professor of Christian Theology & Theology of Culture, Multnomah Biblical Seminary and author of The Gospel of John: When Love Comes to Town
Cleverly using four prepositions?under, over, from, and for, Skye Jethani convincingly diagnoses the reigning paradigms of life?whether secular or religious?and shows how each one has captured some element of truth but in the end is deficient; Ultimately, they miss the most important thing'real communion with the living God. Thus utilizing one final preposition, With, he lays out what it really means to know and experience communion with God?a life of faith, hope and love?the very things that we all desperately want and need. This is a helpful, encouraging, and inspiring book. ?Jim Belcher, author of Deep Church
It doesn?t matter, as old theologians were rumored to argue, how many angels can dance on a pinhead. But it does matter which preposition governs your faith?over, after, against, for, from, under, with. Who knew what huge worlds turn on such tiny words? Who knew what theological riches were laced into the bones of grammar? Skye has done a great service to the church. In prose elegant and clear, with insights keen and deep, he shows how everything changes with just one word: With. It's a book I want my whole church to read. ?Mark Buchanan, author of Spiritual Rhythm
Who knew that a preposition had so much influence? Skye's book will challenge the way that you think about God and faith digging deep into our motivations and heart issues. You can't read this book and not see yourself and others differently! ?Margaret Feinberg, author of Scouting the Divine and Hungry for God
This book will do for our generation what J.B. Phillips, in his classic Your God is Too Small, did for his. With reveals views of God that can't satisfy and opens up the possibility for exploring a life with God that more than satisfies. ?Scot McKnight, author of One.Life and The Blue Parakeet, professor of theology and biblical studies at North Park University
Since I dove into With, I can't stop thinking about it. Skye Jethani's insights will change how you think about God...and you...and how the two of you relate. ?Dr. Kara E. Powell, Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute
There's a good reason why Skye is a senior editor at Leadership Journal?he writes with a stylish verve, real intelligence, and spiritual depth. Suggesting that the basic posture that you adopt towards God determines the quality, meaning, and direction of your life, With is designed to head readers in the right direction. ?Alan Hirsch, author of Untamed, TheForgottenWays.org